Hi! I'm Zack Wilkinson, an undergraduate student studying Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology. I'm interested in gaining experience through internship opportunities—primarily pertaining to software development, but I'm open to exploring any opportunities that will broaden my knowledge and better familiarize me with real-world work environments in the CS field.
sound-bending allows you to use your hand movements to record vocal loops and add effects
into FL Studio in real-time with your webcam!
sound-bending uses MediaPipe for Python to track hand landmarks through the webcam
video stream. It recognizes gestures the user is making with their hands (peace sign,
fist, palm, etc.), and responds by sending signals to FL Studio. FL Studio allows for
MIDI scripting, which is why loopMIDI is required. loopMIDI creates the MIDI port to
act as a connected MIDI controller. The Python program sends MIDI signals with the
channel, note, and velocity values as vessels for data to manipulate the FL Studio
script——like whether to record or add reverb/delay and how much.
This project was made in a few days after being inspired from revisiting Imogen Heap's
Tiny Desk performance. I hope to expand on it soon after experimenting with it some